by Janet M.
Shlaes, Ph.D.
should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
~ Albert
How do you
move through the world – from a place of simplicity or complexity? Personally,
I am a fan of simplicity and getting to the essence of what is most important
to me to spend my time, energy and resources on. This can often be challenging
when living in a complex world with a myriad of choices for one's time and energy.
I find that having so many choices and distractions for my attention can be
both exhausting and seductive. Have you ever been drawn to a choice that you
knew in your heart was not a healthy one for you? Most of us have at some point
in our lives. For me, getting to essence and making things as simple as
possible requires a combination of factors: self-awareness, intention, commitment,
patience, perseverance, perspective and appreciation. Self-awareness requires
my going inward and connecting with what is truly important to me with regard
to values and creating a life worth living. The next step toward simplicity is
clarity with regard to what I want to bring into this world, along with the
type of life that I want to live. Commitment to making choices and setting
goals that align with my intentions follows, along with the patience and
perseverance to pursue my stated goals. Perspective, although oftentimes
challenging, is critical for motivation and letting go of what isn’t working;
it also facilitates a much needed sense of humor. Last, but definitely not
least, is appreciation – for what is, for what isn’t and for what is possible.
How do you
move through the world? Are you actions aligned with what you hold most dear to
you? How can you simplify your approach to all that you are and do to simplify
in an increasingly complex world?
For addition insights and observations, check out the
following posts:
Learn Something New
Embracing "Good Enough"
Breakdown to Breakthrough
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