Monday, March 24, 2014

“Cliff Jumping”

We’ve all been there in our personal and professional lives – on the edge of change, wanting and needing to step into the unknown, simultaneously excited and terrified. Some of us will hesitate indefinitely and wind up feeling incredibly stuck, living out a life that we have clearly outgrown. Others will hesitate for a bit and then reluctantly jump into the unknown of change. A few of us will enthusiastically leap with abandon into the abyss of the unknown with faith and certainty that all will work out; this type of faith persists even when they don’t have a clue as to what the ultimate working out will look like. Perhaps in some situations you are the stuck person, in others you are the hesitator and in others you are the enthusiastic leaper.

The other day, a dear friend of mine and I had a conversation around this very thing. She was at the edge of change and literally described her experience as “jumping off the cliff.” Although she was ready to leap, she was also more than a tad scared about the act of “cliff jumping” and most appreciative of my support throughout her preparation process. This same friend has been my support many times in my personal and professional life when I leaped into the glorious and terrifying unknown of change. We do that for each other on a regular basis. For me, this is the gift and grace of friendship.

How do you handle “cliff jumping” when you are on the edge of change? How do you support others when they are there? Do you allow others the gift of contributing to your leap via their support? These are the types of questions that may initially feel a bit challenging and yet consistently lead to the most powerful changes. I invite you to embrace and leap into these questions and also enjoy a favorite poem included below.


Come to the Edge
by Guillaume Apollinaire
“Come to the edge.”
“We can't. We're afraid.”
“Come to the edge.”
“We can't. We will fall!”
“Come to the edge.”
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.

Check out the following related posts:

Embracing Obstacles

The Other Side: Breakdown to Breakthrough IV

Courage Revisited

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