Thursday, November 28, 2013


At the risk of sounding sappy, the Thanksgiving Holiday is a time when I am intensely aware of all of the blessings in my life. Many aspects of my life that I simply accept as “normal” are things that are not present for so many others – locally and around the world. On a relationship level, I am grateful for family and friends that add richness, warmth, depth and meaning to life. I am grateful for work that I am passionate about - work that feeds my spirit, makes a difference in many lives and facilitates my ongoing professional and personal growth and development. I am grateful that I live in place and time in history filled with potential and opportunity. I am also grateful that I can take for granted basic life essentials: I don’t have to worry about where my next meal is coming from, where I will sleep tonight or how I will physically exist. I am grateful that I have the resources to give back all that I have been given, the motivation to do so and much more.

What are you grateful for today and every day?


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