by Janet M.
Shlaes, Ph.D.
“To think
creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for
granted.” ~ George Kneller
Have you
ever found yourself lost in the familiar and moving through the world on
autopilot? The perfect example happens every day in elevators and autos. You
walk into an elevator, press the button for your desired floor; when the door
opens, you automatically exit, only to discover that you have exited on a floor
that is not your desired one. Or, perhaps you get into your auto with a familiar
destination in mind – your office or an errand – and suddenly you are at your
destination with only a vague sense of how you actually got there. A positive
factor inherent in the autopilot mode is that it requires little cognitive or
emotional energy. A huge downside is that it can be dangerous and prevent us
from noticing and enjoying the many gifts that being fully present in the now provides.
I love to
walk around my home town Chicago. Many years ago, I found that I had gradually
shifted into the autopilot mode on my many walks, taking the familiar and
perhaps most efficient route to my destination. Over time, the pleasure of
walking was replaced by the experience of checking it off of a mental “to do”
list. I decided to try an experiment, one of my many "30
Day Challenges". For 30 consecutive days, I intentionally took a
slightly different route on my walk for the day. I also
left my iPod at home so that I would not be distracted by anything other than
what was in my walking experience. The results were amazing. I noticed
buildings, vegetation, people, animals, stores and so much more. My walks
became adventures in the unknown and my creativity expanded
exponentially as the seemingly normal became extraordinary.
I invite you
to see your current world with fresh eyes for 30 day. What do you have to lose?
What do you have to gain?
For addition insights and observations, check out the
following posts via Transformational
Learn Something New
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