by Janet M. Shlaes
Ultimately, playing the hand that we're dealt is an empowering option in most any situation. Recognizing and understanding this “hand” is the first step toward optimally playing it. This does not mean that we shift into a victim mode, passively allowing the situation to play itself out. Playing the hand you’re dealt, essentially means to utilize your available resources (both internal and external) to set goals and operate within the parameters and/or limitations of your current situation. It means engaging others as advocates and allies when needed and gathering all of the relevant information that’s currently available. It’s about co-creating a viable strategy to move forward, doing whatever is in your power to do, having a clear outcome vision in mind and then letting go of attachment to the outcome. Sometimes, playing the hand you’re dealt also means being fully present in each moment and focusing on one step at a time.
Playing the hand you’re dealt is a healthy and empowering
strategy for moving through life, especially when faced with a crisis situation
that appears to come out of nowhere. Viktor E. Frankl, author of “Man’s Search
for Meaning” said it much more eloquently that I can:
“Between stimulus and response there is a
space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies
our growth and our freedom.”
to strategically playing the hands we're dealt and to our collective growth, wisdom
and freedom!
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