Arthur Young speaks to our breakdown experiences in his Process
Theory. According to Young, in the early stages of change, our intense efforts
to make something happen initially result in the experience of increased
restraints and a lack of results. Ultimately, we reach a point of maximum
restraint (imagine the bottom of the letter V) where most people tend to quit
or mentally give up. Unfortunately, those who give up at or before the point of
maximum restraint miss out on what ultimately follows this point. Beyond the point
of maximum restraint resides the dynamic of accelerating velocity – the point
where energy optimally shifts and results organically flow from minimal efforts.
It’s highly challenging for most of us to stay engaged in a
goal or project when in the dynamic of increasing restraint, painfully and
slowly moving toward the point of maximum restraint. It’s critical at this
point to intentionally and strategically reexamine both your commitment to your
project, as well as your approach. This is the precise time when slowing down
is ultimately in service of speeding up. Focus on identifying and working with
leverage points, rather than on the familiar fallback of working, harder, faster
and longer. Working with leverage points during times of increasing restraint will
serve to conserve your energy, optimize your efforts and keep your momentum
moving forward. Ultimately, this slow and steady forward momentum will move you
beyond the point of maximum restraint and into the energy and gifts inherent in
the accelerating velocity aspect of the change process. Try it!
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